Mandakini, the sacred mountain of Ganeshpuri

My Guru Resides Within Me

                my Shri Guru


Her name is Chidvilasananda

She is the Mother of the Universe

All beings reside within Her


She is Citi, the Devi Kundalini

She is Shiva, the Atman, the Self

She is the Presence beyond Tri-dev


It is She who is Anuttara,

that infinite unsurpassed Reality,  unlimited, unbound. unfettered


Within Her, ceaselessly, 

cycles of creation arise;

arisen, they  ceaselessly subside


She is the great Silence; the void

She is also the Experiencer 

of that Silence, of that Void


Forever She scires Her Self, 

We are what She scires

Our experiences are Her means


Forever She reveals,

Forever She revels,

My holy Mother



                                           = Om Shri Guru =         




                                                                                                                                                                                                  This site is offered at the lotus feet of my revered Master, Swami Chidvilasanada.                


The website is a humble sharing of words received internally within my mind, directly from Shri Guru through Her divine inner responses to contemplative prayers, fears, requests, cries for support, and questions offered within my mind. 


It is a sharing offered to any who come this way.  


Though addressed to me, often on deep personal matters, these inner conveyances from the divine Master offer great value to all.  In fact, they are for everyone. The very possibility of such inner access is itself a teaching. Besides, Shri Guru has mentioned in some contemplations that Her words be spread to others. Hence this offering.


The Guru resides within, exactly as Baba had always taught us. She watches everything and responds. Her caring, uplifting, supportive and ever existing divine inner presence is available to all who seek Her within themselves with belief and supreme trust. Her blessings, love and relentless support shine equally on all.  


This miracle of an unseen, yet ceaselessly ongoing support and guidance, protection and forgiveness, from Shri Guru became evident and was credulously accepted because of the handwriting, and the date and location details noted along with Shri Guru’s responses. Hurriedly written, haphazardly stored, completely forgotten, they were rediscovered when searching old notes to prepare for a retreat. Clearly, since forever, She is protecting me. Clearly, She has always had my back.


Now, years later, awakening at last to responsibility towards sadhana, and towards all others, which the supreme Master had desired from me from the very first, returning to these pages daily is essential, lest there is failure again in the remaining vestiges of this life.


May the benevolent gaze of Shri Guru fall upon this humble offering. May I start even now to live up to Her grace and holy messages, without faltering again in faith or shradha, in humility or gratitude, in watchfulness or discipline. May my surrender to Her teachings and guidance become complete. May I abide by Her slightest wish.


May the loving blessings, grace and protection of Shri Guru be bestowed on all who stop by to read, on all of humanity, and upon the whole of Her magnificent creation.   


                                                                                             Om Guru Om 



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1 Apr/May 1998
Excerpts -
The Ashram schedule is seva
(teaching as received within from Shri Guru)

“…such a mysterious process that starts working within you when you do these practices as per the Ashram schedule. It is for the good of you as a seeker and for all others in GSP for they are all students too.

“The unfolding of their sadhana and the achievement of their aims and goals for which they have positioned themselves just this – that they must attend to the schedule diligently and with disregard for all their personal matters. The Ashram schedule is holy. It is an honest and pure offering that can be made to God, to the Siddhas, to the Guru, to Lord Shiva .....

“... You will miss nothing if you attend to the schedule, but you will miss a lot if you....are tardy in making it to the sacred places when the activities of the schedule take place. A whole lot will be missed and years may go by without an active push to their sadhana.

“Seva is the only thing that should get highest priority.... And seva itself is the schedule. The whole of the daily schedule is seva...chanting is seva..aratis are seva..meditation is seva.
“Only those will loose sight of the aim of their being in GSP who are lax in attending the daily schedule..." (2018)

1-A 2018 -2nd
Excerpts -
Baba Muktananda - the most complete being
(teaching as received within)

“My Baba Muktananda, my Baba, was the most complete being of beings. His body may now sit interned at Gaondevi, but His soul, His spirit, His energy, His love, His bhakti, His reverence for His Guru – all these live on with renewed vigour, and they are spreading across the globe. Spreading His teachings directly to the hearts of His devotees – directly deep into their divine heart. He is laying the seeds of future harmony and peace across the globe.

“He has created the impression that I am doing it by placing me here in this duty. Yet it is all being done by Him and Bhagwan Nityananda and none other.

“I am only making myself available to them. I have become them and they are me.
So now whatever I do, whatever I say, whatever I think, all these small movements in the Shakti, in Consciousness, are being caused by them. They respond to me and I to them. And so strong is our love, so strong is our bond that I happily do their every bidding and they do everything I pray–fully request them to do. All this happens in a flash...” (2018)

1-B Apr/May 1998
Excerpts -
Swadhyaya recitation erases Karma
(teaching as received within)

“….. Swadhyaya is key to you and the whole human race that wants to learn about God, to imbibe God, to become God even as they live or after they depart. Swadhyaya has the Energy of the divine.

“The Indian scriptures are spoken divinity put into writing by the sages of yore. To read them and to recite them loudly we recreate the sound vibrations that were created when the words were first spoken by divinity to Its own Self. The vibrations are very powerful.

“Their constant recitation aloud, their constant repetition is what becomes the force that bit by bit erases all our past karmas.

“Past karmas are resident impressions caused by our past words, thoughts and actions. They are indeed the memories themselves that tend to replay themselves again and again with the same kind of associated energy, usually very negative.

“So the loud repetition of swadhyaya is like giving the past memories a bath in a powerful energetic detergent that washes them away, clears them, nullifies them, removes every trace of them….” (2020)

2-A Apr/May 1998
Excerpts -
Loving God resolutely, humbly
(teaching as received within)

“….. Be resolute, be full of love, follow the practices, do the practices daily.

“Be bold, do not be shy. Be strong.

Be true. And above all be humble. Be very very humble.

“Love Me and all of My creation. For it is I who am everything. It is I who have this Universe as My body.

“It is I who am the Guru, and above all it is I who am Chidvilasananda.

“So worship Me with all your love, with all your heart, with all your strength, and with your whole being.

“Do what I say and I will surely make you Mine.

“Have no doubts. Have no fears …...”
(Apr/May 1998)

2-B Apr/May 1998 2nd
Excerpts -
Seeing the Guru as everything
(teaching as received within)

“ ……. for I am all that exists. I am everything.
“Become one with Me and I will make you everything.

“I will be there, everywhere.

“In every moment, in every situation, in eating, sleeping, walking, talking – look for Me. Search Me. I am there.

"I will be there. I will reveal Myself. I will make you one with Me.

“Always be alert. Always be on the lookout for Me. For I am truly everywhere.

And it is I who will guide your every step till you become Me…...”
(Apr/May 1998)

3 Apr/May 1998 3rd
Excerpts -
Thinking, Longing for the Guru
(teaching as received within)

“ ….. You must thirst for Me. You must long for Me.

“Because of Me you exist. Because of Me you are everything. So, thirst for Me like you have thirsted for nothing else.

"Long for Me at every second.

“When you wake up, move about, or eat or sleep – at every moment long for Me. Think of me and only of Me.

“Then, and only then, will I reveal to you that I am in you and you are in Me.

"And then I will make you one with Me...”
(Apr/May 1998)

4 Oct 1998
Excerpts -
On expressing Gratitude
(teaching as received within)

“You can express your gratitude by being disciplined; by being loving; by being forgiving; by being noble and pure; by being self-controlled; by disregarding evil; by disregarding hatred; by disregarding greed; by disregarding lust; by ignoring evil … by loving your children, by never ignoring them; by being understanding to your children, by being concerned for them and by taking care of them.

“You can express your gratitude by never forgetting that I am the One who is everyone around you.

“I have become all of them for My own reasons. You do not need to fathom the reasons. Just know that I exist, that only I exist, that if you disrespect all around you, you disrespect only Me, not them. They are nothing. They have no existence of their own, but exist only because I am them.

“So, respect them. Respect yourself. That is the greatest expression of your gratitude to Me.....”
(Oct 1998)

5 Dec 2000
Excerpts -
What has Shaktipat altered ?
(teaching as received within)

“……. Shaktipat has altered your association with everything.

"That altering, that transformation, is love.
The love that has started emerging from you is a boundless stream of which you were not aware of.

"Now it is there and needs hardly any trigger to start flowing out.

"This is the association that has blossomed between you and love.

“It was always there within you. Now you are in touch with it.

"Respect it.

"Worship it …..”
(Dec 2000)

6 Dec 2000 2nd
Excerpts -
Offering every situation to God
(inner teaching received within)

“ … You get the feeling of uninterrupted seva only when you surrender everything to God. So, you have to do this all the time.

“You can do this only when you are alert to it all the time. So ‘alertness’ must become your motto.

“If you are alert, you surrender your actions, your expectations, your desires, your fruit.

“The main meaning is this:

"Constantly hold the thought in your mind that you are serving Me, that you are serving God.

"No matter what situation you may be in offer the situation to God. Offer it all unhesitatingly and with love ...”
(Dec 2000)

7 2016
Excerpts -
The Breath during Meditation
(teachings as received within)

“ ….. The breath makes or mars your meditation.
The quieter it is, the slower it gets, the deeper your meditation
The stiller your mind, the sweeter your connection with the Guru within.
By focusing on the breath, we also focus on the prana Shakti and so invoke Her blessings and grace.
The meditation becomes fully supported by grace …..”

“…. The breath either denies you the experience of the Heart, which is Me, the Self, or it gives you a brilliant experience.
The more settled it is, the more genuinely sweet and wondrous the experience of focus on, and experience of the oneness with, Me, the Self.
So always use the breath as a joyous tool – it is also a form of Me, the breath.
Use it gently – the breath.
Respect it – the breath.
Love it – the breath.

“Not only does it keep you alive, but it creates a pathway to Me as the Self.
The choice is yours, how to use the breath …...” (2016)

8 2017 1st
Excerpts -
Becoming every responsibility
(teachings as received within)

“….. know that you are the taker of every responsibility. You are not just the sense of responsibility, but you are responsibility itself... The universe holds itself together and endures as My immaculate covering only because, you, and countless others like you, take all responsibility at every be this responsibility...

“Bear the responsibility for the whole universe on yourself, on your Self, because you can do it. You are the entire universe. In fact this vast, magnificent and beautiful universe is you. It is your manifestation because you have taken on the responsibility of showing yourself to your Self... and in this responsibility you will find your highest purpose, your highest bliss. Be responsible... by adopting the attitude of your true nature – as the Creator of the Cosmos and not just as a small limited onlooker of the grandeur around you.

“All that is good is you, and all that is not so good is also you. Feel responsible with love and with the inner premise that everything that seems wrong has a purpose and will serve your process of creation…” (2017)

9 - 2017 - 2nd
Excerpts -
What service to others means
(teachings as received within)

“… be always full of purposeful intent to serve the multitudes comprising of people lost in their own sense of individuality and in their sense of belonging to small groups such as family, friends, nations, etc.

“Service to them means to guide them to the knowledge of their divinity... that they are actually divine, unlimited beings... in essence one, no matter what they look like, what language they speak, or how they dress and behave..

“The big fact eludes them and today they cannot even acknowledge that it is possible.

“Service to them is to teach them that what they do to each other they are actually doing to themselves because everybody is them. .. Since they cannot concede to their unity, so they live ... full of strife ... bitterness and hatred.

“So, serve them because in doing that you serve only your own Self. And since you and I are one, service to them is service to Me. So, teach humanity to change at their core.... that basic change in the deepest belief of mankind. I am that change because in forgetting their oneness the whole of humanity has forgotten Me .…” (2017)

10 - 2018 1st
Excerpts -
role of Music in Siddha Yoga
(teachings as received within)

“Yes, music is My language. So easily learn’t, so easily felt.

“So, in Siddha Yoga music is such an important part of what we do. It is foundational in our many practices. The names of God are glorified when we sing them with love. The scriptures are glorified when we sing them with love.
The very sounds that we bring into being are vibrations within Me.
"So I exhort you so many times to sing. Sing. Sing. Sing. Sing out the praises. Sing out the names. Sing out your prayers. And do it joyfully.

“Whenever you feel pain, which you never should.... start to sing. Sing out bhajans. Sing out chants. Sing out namasankirtanas. Sing out swadhyayas. Sing under your breath if you can’t sing loudly. Sing with tune.
"It will connect you with Me, My Shatkti. And very soon the pain will dissolve and your deepest and innermost core will take you back to bliss, to peace , to joy....Use song as a deep practice.

“Look at our Siddha Yoga music. It is so beautiful. It entices your love from within to manifest....and touch all those around you...(2018)

12-2018 3rd
Excerpts -
the Universe is itself the form of gratitude
(inner teachings by Gurumayiji)

“..when you are one with Me, who are you thanking? Who are you praying to? Who is doing things for you? Be very clear.

“Yes, thank you must. You must always offer thanks. Gratitude is one of My highest energies. Gratitude is one of My highest vibrations. Gratitude is the means by which you can have the entire Universe pause and listen to you. Know this, My dear one, that the Universe is itself the form of gratitude.

“Look at it this way. If I had not started My process of creation, then matter itself would not acquire any form. And these droplets of My divinity that involve themselves with matter would never have a chance to adopt these forms that they take with matter as their temporary coverings.

“So, everything that is created has a deep sense of gratitude. Every atom or sub atom will eventually merge back with pure Energy, as will you and every other jiva. Everything knows this. And everything feels gratitude for the chance to somehow be different in a temporary or transient way, and everything looks forward to the bliss of reunion with Me…….” (2018)

14-2018 4th
Excerpts -
Live a life of rejoicing
(teachings as received within)

“....Now that you know that you are divine, and now that you know that every being around you is divine, and now that you know that every inanimate object around you is also Me, now, knowing all this, rejoice.
“What is rejoicing if you have to do it all alone, all by yourself? You must bring everyone else into the rejoicing. You must incorporate everything and everyone into the act of rejoicing and do it with great enthusiasm and great love.

“There you have it. This is the life that you and all other beings must live. Always know that the temporary shells given to you in which you encase your souls, are just very very temporary devices; very sacred, yet very temporary. And they are given to you just so that you can discern yourselves, discern Me, and then join Me in My dance of rejoicing.

“For, I am the Shiva. I am the Param Shiva.
I am the All There Is, the Alpha and the Omega. I am all that.
And I am Chidvilasananda.
I am your Guru. And deep inside you know it.
Now find it...." (2018)

14 B -2018 4th
Excerpts -
Chidvilasananda is everything
(teachings as received within from Gurumayiji)

“I am Chidvilasananda.
I rule all realms.
I am the source of everything, and I conclude everything.
In Me is every occurrence.
In Me is every jiva, every being.
In Me is every action.
In Me is every thought.
In Me is every vibration.
In Me is the sum of the entire Truth, which is My very body.
Truth is My very Soul. I am the Soul that is the Truth and there is none other than Me.
In Me is everything.
And since everything is in Me, it is I who am everything.
Since I am everything, there is nothing that is outside of Me.
All the good is inside Me. All the greatness is inside Me.
And all that is considered as not good is also inside Me.
How can it be out of Me or away from Me when I am everything?

“So know this, O Virender, and I have repeatedly told this to you and I will repeatedly continue to tell this to you, that as I am everything, I am also you. I am you. I have always been you.
And that is what you must believe to become Me.
You must become Me.
Everyone must become Me.
That is the only goal of all of Life.... ... .."

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