= Om Gurumayiji =
30 Jan 2000, New Delhi – Removing Attachments and Failings I prayerfully offered a question as follows: ‘O blessed Guru, who are the greatest – what is my greatest failing? How do I remove it? I offer this question to the lotus feet of the Master.”
Response from Shri Guru, as emerged then: “Your greatest failing is the attachment to your physical – mental structure. The structure is not yours. You access it only temporarily. So why this great attachment?
“Remove the attachment and you have the world at your feet. With it even if you have the world at your feet you have nothing.
“Not the world – not anything.
“So how do you remove it?
“You remove it by love. You remove it by seva.”
“You remove it by offering every single thing to Me for I am the giver of the physical apparatus to you.
“I am the giver. I am the remover.
“You exist as you do in My domain, in My world for just a short while. So, offer it all to Me.
“Try. Keep trying. In the end you will succeed.
“There is no other way to removing it (your failing) other than turning everything to Me.”
30 Jan 2000, New Delhi – God is Serving All Question contemplated: “Who is doing seva for whom? Who is serving whom?’
Response as emerged: “God is serving all. The service to God, the service to the Guru, is actually God serving us.”
Jan-Feb 2000, New Delhi (exact date not recorded) – Expressing Greatness in Life Question contemplated: “O Guru, how can the teaching of expressing and enjoying our greatness be brought into my day-to-day life?”
Response as emerged: “By treating everyone as though they were divine – see Me in all people.
“And by encouraging them to also treat you with similar respect, a similar sense of divinity and greatness.
“Remember Siddha Yoga for you is the ultimate path. It is the ultimate adventure.”
27 May 2000, New Delhi – What is Gained on Coming to the Guru Question contemplated: “O Lord, most beloved and dear, pray tell me, O my Guru, what is it that I received when I came to the Guru? What have I felt or gained?” Placed at lotus feet of the Master.
Response as emerged then from Shri Guru: “You have gained my love. This love is the highest gain. It is this love that makes Me manifest. It is this love that makes Me withdraw. This love binds Me together. It keeps everything bound to Me at all times. This love is the highest energy. It is the greatest force in your life. It is the heart of My being.
“This love is what you have got when you came to my fold.”
11 June 2000, New Delhi – Self Control, See the Guru in and as everything, Acquiring Self-Control, Alertness, Turning everything into Sadhna, How to Change old Habits, on Focus, Practices. Few contemplations noted today.
The first Question placed humbly at the lotus feet as follows: ‘O blessed Lord, most precious and dear, pray tell me, in my life how have I practiced or acquired self control? I place this question at the lotus feet of Shri Guru, while offering Her deepest prayers and most humble salutations.’
The flow, as then emerged very shortly from the Master: “O Virender, in this life you have not made much effort to acquire self control. This is the truth. There has only been a little effort.
“The reason is a lack of adequate focus on Me. You do not try to see Me in everything. You do not see Me as everything.
“If you did you would have automatic self control because when you truly see Me everywhere, as everything, what can you indulge in, who can you indulge with?
“Your self control will come but for that intensify your practices. Finally, the practices alone protect you. Finally, the practices alone transform themselves as your self control.
“The more you practice, the more you focus on Me, the more I flow through you. And then I become your self control.
“So, take this seriously. You have ample time. Just do it all the time. Every second. When awake, when sleeping. Focus on Me. Believe Me. I am yours. You have to become Me.
“For that you must do the practices diligently. They have a great alchemy. The practices are me acting on you. Have that understanding. Have that faith.
“You will make it then. That is my assurance.”
The second contemplation, I offered as follows: ‘O Lord, in my day-to-day life, what are the changes that I need to bring about that can lead me to a good quality of self control?’ I placed the question at the lotus feet of Shri Guru after a deep and long prayer.
In Her flow, Shri Gurumayiji responded thus: “Turn everything into sadhna.
“In your life all that you do must first and foremost be essentially only a form of sadhna. Do that. Do only that. Do only this.
“This is the biggest change that you have to bring about in yourself and in your surroundings.
“Treat each moment as sadhna. “Treat each moment as an opportunity of prayer. “Treat each moment as an act of worship.
“Think you are in My home, in My ashram. Treat this world as Gurudev Siddha Peeth, as Ganeshpuri.
“So do this and the changes you seek will come around in your life and all you seek will be done.”
The next contemplation was placed with great love and devotion at the lotus feet of Shri Guru: ‘O beloved Guru, pray guide me – what are the habits and blockages that are taking me away from self control? Please tell me so that I may correct myself?’
As emerged there itself, from Shri Guru: “Virender, you know sufficiently well as to what are your blockages.
“You do not listen. You are told by Me in so many ways. You do not listen. You must obey even My slightest hint.
“You are not alert. Not at all. Your mind just runs away with your whole being and soul. “You must be very alert. “You must be very alert. “You must be wholly alert.
“Your old habits gnaw at you. You do not thwart them. You can thwart them just by turning them to Me. You can thwart them by practice. You can thwart them by firmness. You can thwart them by showing them a higher goal. You can thwart your bad habits by tricking them.
“You need much more faith. Just having deep love is not enough. It is not sufficient to love fully and completely. Your love must be founded on faith. Faith is supreme. Things will happen just because you believe in Me. I am the doer. I am the giver. Just a little faith in Me is equal to myriads of oceans of love.
“Your inattentiveness to practices. You must restart them. “Every day. Every moment. “Practice. Focus. “Practice. Focus.
“Look at the higher side of Me. Focus on that. Focus not on lower sides of Me. That will keep you low.
“Leave things to Me. Let me work. Do not block Me with your desires and repetitive demands. Let Me work.
“Your weaknesses are a result of your not wishing to come face to face with the responsibility of recognizing them and the trouble and inconvenience of correcting yourself. Just laziness. Stop being lazy about your sadhna. That is all.”
17 June 2000, New Delhi – Staying Connected with the Guru Question contemplated: “O Guru, O blessed Lord who are so brilliant and full of the most wondrous qualities, salutations at Thy lotus feet. I pray to You to please tell me, O mighty One, how can I stay permanently connected with the Guru’s feet?” Placed at lotus feet of Shri Guru.
Response as emerged then itself from Shri Guru: “O Virender, you can only experience this love by becoming Me.
“You know how to do it. You know how to become Me. You have My practices. You have My teachings. Just follow them, that is all.
“Follow the teachings. That will unite you with Me, and hence with My love. So, stay focused on Me.
“For you that is enough, just stay focused on Me at all times. Do not let even a second go by without this focus on Me.
“You will be well. Have no fear.”
26 Aug 2000, New Delhi – Keeping Heart open, Staying in Guru’s grace The following was offered at the lotus feet of Shri Guru: ‘What do I do or not do to keep my heart open to grace? What to do to stay joined to grace?’
Response from Shri Guru then: “O Virender, as I have told you before, –
“Think of Me, dwell on Me at all times. It is the only way, the best way, the correct way.
“Yes, even when you are doing something incorrect, think of Me. Don’t (push) My thoughts away. Then you will stop doing them.
“Remember, only I can keep you away from habits – for only I can keep you with Me.
“So do it. It will happen. It has to happen. That is my assurance.”
23 Dec 2000, New Delhi – Shaktipat and Love Question placed prayerfully at the lotus feet of Shri Guru: ‘In what way has shaktipat changed or transformed my association or understanding with love?’
Flow in response from Shri Guru as then emerged: “Shaktipat has altered your association with everything. That altering, that transformation, is love. The love that has started emerging from you is a boundless stream of which you were not aware of. Now it is there and needs hardly any trigger to start flowing out. This is the association that has blossomed between you and love.
“It was always there within you. Now you are in touch with it. Respect it. Worship it.”
30 Dec 2000, New Delhi – Uninterrupted Seva, ensuring Uninterrupted loving Seva Question placed at the lotus feet of Shri Guru with prayers: ‘When is my feeling of seva uninterrupted?
Flow from Shri Guru as emerged within me then itself: “You get the feeling of uninterrupted seva only when you surrender everything to God. So you have to do this all the time.
“You can do this only when you are alert to it all the time. So ‘alertness’ must become your motto.
“If you are alert, you surrender your actions, your expectations, your desires, your fruit.
“The main meaning is this: Constantly hold the thought in your mind that you are serving Me, that you are serving God. No matter what situation you may be in offer the situation to God. Offer it all unhesitatingly and with love.”
Another Contemplation Question placed at the lotus feet of Shri Guru with prayers: ‘How can I ensure the experience or feeling of uninterrupted loving seva?’
As emerged then within me then: “As told just now you can do it by constantly making every action seva. In fact, turn your whole life into a series of uninterrupted offerings as seva to Me, to God.”